Pipe covers

Rockwool pipe cover

Expanded Polystyrene pipe cover

Polyurethane pipe cover

Phenolic Resin pipe cover

Styrofoam pipe cover

Cellular glass pipe cover

Cellular glass TEE

Styrofoam TEE

Phenolic resin TEE

Polyurethane TEE

Expanded Polystyrene TEE

TEE in lana di roccia

Rockwool TEE - PVC covered

Rockwool TEE - Aluminium mesh covered

Polyurethane TEE - PVC covered

Expanded Polystyrene TEE - Aluminium mesh covered

Phenolic resin TEE - Aluminium mesh covered
Coatings available
Teknisol pipe covers can be customised with a range of coatings to enhance their insulating and performance characteristics.
Aluminium mesh
Embossed aluminium
Are you seeking a customised solution, designed, prototyped and manufactured especially for you?
Teknisol manufactures pipe covers in various thicknesses, diameters and sizes – either plain or coated in materials to enhance their application qualities in specific insulation and insulation situations.
We also produce customised solutions, specifically created for projects that cannot be satisfied with traditional solutions offered on the market.
For any special request, we are even able to produce customised products for use where standard solutions do not meet the customer’s needs.
Fields of Application
- Industrial 90%
- Maritime 80%
- HVAC 10%
- Passive Fire Protection 10%

Pipe covers available in various diameters and heights